Once you have the workers you wish to employ, you will need to complete a so-called “consolidated application procedure” for foreign workers with the authorities.
A consolidated application means that, in the case of a positive assessment, the applicant will be entitled to both reside and work for the company for which he/she is authorised. In the procedure, the authorities will first examine the applications submitted at embassies and consulates in their home country (or in Hungary) from an employment perspective. Afterwards, the immigration police will make the decision.
If the procedure is successful, the workers will be issued with the necessary visas for entry at the relevant embassies and consulates. Once they have entered the country, they register with the immigration authorities and then receive a work and residence permit. In the past, receiving residency cards was often done in person, but recently the cards are sent by post. If the application has been submitted in Hungary and has been successfully assessed, all that remains is to receive the new permit.